This is the online space of Douglas Creager. Welcome!
¶Delicious content
¶Latest updates
2025-01-13 [Link] Paul Downen's linear logic lecture
2015-01-10 “Full” screen within a window in Firefox
2015-01-09 Filtering some functions in a flamegraph
2025-01-03 [Link] “A comprehensive guide to Python project management and packaging
2014-12-30 Which method is called for a (Python) binary operator?
2024-12-26 [Reading log] “Cheney on the M.T.A.”
2024-12-26 [Link] matklad: “Minimal Version Selection Revisited”
2024-12-24 Range over function in Go
2024-12-11 Importing a nested module does not create a shim
2024-12-10 [Reading log] “Interaction combinators” and “Interaction nets”
¶Greatest hits
A map of the tree-sitter ecosystem
Clean git histories and code review workflows
Getting started with tree-sitter
Git commits and code review (revisited)
Reflections on the final Strange Loop
All of the opinions expressed on this site are my own, and not those of my employer.