
Links and quotations

Following Simon Willison, I've starting adding permalinks for all the interesting links and pithy and interesting quotations I come across.

2024-10-14 reMarkable Connection Utility

2024-10-13 httpts (serve HTTP over a tailnet)

2024-10-11 The Copenhagen Book (auth in webapps)

2024-09-26 Cache-Control recommendations

2024-09-25 EWDs: Archive of Dijkstra’s handwritten blog/newsletter

2024-09-16 Acyclic e-graphs and smart constructors

2024-09-12 What's in an e-graph?

2024-09-06 National Park font

2024-09-06 Routed Gothic font

2024-08-29 A few links about the “open-source surplus”

2024-08-27 1982 Grace Hopper lecture at NSA

2024-08-27 Adam Jacob on open-source licensing / GTM strategy

2024-08-09 100 Go mistakes and how to avoid them

2024-08-02 Dave Anderson on “hobbit software”

2024-07-26 “strlcpy and how CPUs can defy common sense”

2024-07-26 “Thoughts on Forth programming”

2024-07-22 Andrew Kelley on data-oriented design

2024-07-15 Aaron Turon on concurrency