
A few links about the “open-source surplus”


First is a post from Baldur Bjarnason:

The slow evaporation of the open-source surplus [Bjanrnason]

Fedi announcement [@baldur]

which contains links to these posts from Tara Tarakiyee and Ben Werdmuller:

Is the open source bubble about to burst? [Tarakiyee]

Is the open source bubble about to burst? [Werdmuller]

Baldur's worry is that there was a perfect storm of surpluses that led to the deep investment in and use of open-source software over the last couple of decades—and that we're entering a period where all of these surpluses are decreasing. In his mind, the best outcome is that there is just less investment in OSS moving forward; whereas the worst outcome would be that reduction investment combined with a decrease in trust causing the entire system to collapse.

Like many have recently, Tara touches on monetary investment and sustainability for open-source developers and maintainers. Ben expands on that and delivers what I think is the key line:

People won't pay for software that they don't need to pay for.

This echoes the Adam Jacob thread from earlier this week, which includes the line:

Under no circumstances give your product away for $0.

Ben surmises that open core might be the only feasible solution.

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