It seems like this blog is basically turning into “all things CSP”! As part of that trend, I’ve started implementing a new CSP refinement checker called HST. Why do this when there’s a perfectly good refinement checker in FDR? Well, I want to learn more about how FDR’s refinement algorithm works. The algorithm is documented in Bill Roscoe’s textbook (and a series of follow-on papers), and working through those descriptions gives you a good bit of insight into how refinenment really works. But I often find it easier to learn a complex topic by implementing it (or at least, by looking at the code of an implementation). Hence HST! In this new series of blog posts, I’m going to walk through the CSP refinement algorithm in more detail than is presented in the academic literature, by implementing it (and describing that implementation) along the way.
I should emphasize that this is not meant to be a replacement for FDR! FDR is a very good piece of software, and if you’re writing any CSP specs in anger, you probably want FDR at your disposal. HST is meant to be more of an educational exercise. If people find it more generally useful than that, that’s great! But it’s not what I’m aiming for.
(And as for the name, “HST” does not stand for “Harry S. Truman”, just like “FDR” does not stand for “Franklin Delano Roosevelt”.)